
According to its website, org-roam is “a plain-text personal knowledge management system”. It is based on the popular Zettelkasten knowledge management system, or the Roam Research website. But because it layers atop org-mode and therefore Emacs, it has a lot of power that the others lack; for instance, integration with email and agendas.

org-roam is used to build this site; see How this site is built.


org-mode is a toolkit for you to organize things. It is part of Emacs.

Arguably the most successful platform whose code can be easily modified at runtime. Emacs presents this through the metaphor of a text editor, though the Emacs platform has been about more than that since pretty much its inception. Emacs as a platform hosts email readers, Usenet clients, web and Gopher browsers, games, terminal emulators, sftp clients, chat clients, and even a window manager. With org-mode, most of these (including the email clients) can be linked together with agendas, task lists, and personal notes to form an integrated tracking system. org-roam extends this yet further.

This site is built for modern clients using Small Technology. It is served from static files, which are themselves small. It should make no references to any resources from other servers, which helps protect the Privacy of visitors.

Updated: 2024-07-06