John Goerzen

I am a programmer, manager, hobbyist, advocate, volunteer, dad, and nature lover. I live out on an old farmstead in rural Kansas that once belonged to my grandparents. The nearest paved road is about 3 miles away, and the nearest town (population 600) is 7 miles away. I have three incredible children, which I might occasionally mention on my blog.

I am the manager of and

Social & Contacts

Volunteer Activities

Professional Activities

I have decades of experience as a hands-on technologist and leader, with a record of success at everything from writing operating systems to being a corporate VP and a non-profit board chair.

I am also a published author, having written books about technology, programming, and operating systems..

For more, you can see my LinkedIn profile.

Free/Libre/Open Source (FLOSS) Projects

I have released many programs and libraries as Free Software, which you are welcome to download, examine, and share. I am a developer for the Debian GNU/Linux operating system, and have been since the late 1990s.


My Pages and Sites

The Grumpy Cricket (And Other Enormous Creatures) is a lighthearted interactive fiction game by John Goerzen.

This is a Kermit server maintained by me, John Goerzen.

This page is intended to describe how to run Debian’s backports on a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian).

I (John Goerzen) have provided a Docker image for NNCP.

Packet BBSs like FBB (Packet BBS) work great for what they’re intended to do: provide access to messaging within a low-bandwidth environment. They, however, don’t do a good job of things such as tracking what bulletins you’ve already read.

Note: this page is a few years out of date, but the concepts, ideas, and reasoning should remain relevant.

Before proceeding, start with the Packet Radio page.

I (John Goerzen / KR0L) wanted to use my SignaLink USB for voice keying during contests and the like. I use Linux for Amateur Radio, and so a natural thought would be using shell scripts for this.

So, you may have read the material on the Why Get Involved With Amateur Radio? and are wondering how to get started. This has two main components: licensing and equipment.

Usenet, of course, originally ran over UUCP in quite a few cases. Since NNCP is quite similar to UUCP – in fact, you can map UUCP commands to NNCP ones – it is quite possible, and not all that hard, to run Usenet over NNCP. In fact, in a number of ways, it works better than Usenet over UUCP!

At, I operate a heavily-peered Usenet server. It peers with others on the Internet using conventional NNTP. Moreover, I also offer partial and full Usenet over NNCP feeds. carries a full set of text newsgroups, and no binaries.

According to the NNCP documentation, NNCP is intended to help build up small size ad-hoc friend-to-friend (F2F) statically routed darknet delay-tolerant networks for fire-and-forget secure reliable files, file requests, Internet Email and commands transmission. All packets are integrity checked, end-to-end Encrypted, explicitly authenticated by known participants public keys. Onion encryption is applied to relayed packets. Each node acts both as a client and server, can use push and poll behaviour model. Also there is multicasting area support.

Gopher is an interactive Internet browser. It is something of a successor to FTP and predecessor to the Web. Gopher had a brief moment of popularity in the early 1990s, but was eclipsed within a few years by the web.

For 14 years, from 1995 to 2009, Complete.Org (managed by John Goerzen) has hosted various mailing lists. As of October 2009, no mailing lists are hosted here any longer.

You can use these if you’d like to send John Goerzen an email or verify my signature.

This book is an easy-to-use, fast-moving tutorial introduces you to functional programming with Haskell. You’ll learn how to use Haskell in a variety of practical ways, from short scripts to large and demanding applications.

These sites are hosted on the server. Some are hosted with resources donated to non-profit organizations.

John Goerzen’s photos can be found:

Amateur radio is a radio service in which people are allowed and encouraged to build their own radios, antennas, and so forth. It can be used to communicate all around the globe without any intervening infrastructure such as satellites or cables.

Young Eagles is a program run by the EAA that offers free airplane rides to children ages 8-17. The Pilots involved in the program donate their time and the use of their aircraft, as well as cover all costs of the flights.

Angel Flight is the name for a number of regional charities. They all operate in basically the same way:

Here is information on papers, documentation, and publications written by John Goerzen.

This page gives you references to software by John Goerzen.

quux, noun:

Complete.Org is a personal project managed since 1994 by John Goerzen.

For ZFS.

This data was from 2008-2015 and may be out of date.