
Debian GNU/Linux is one of the oldest Linux distributions around. Some things that make it somewhat unique:

  • Debian supports many architectures. Of course, the big names such as x86 and ARM (32- and 64-bit for both), but also lesser-known ones.
  • Debian is completely self-organizing by volunteer developers. There is no corporate ownership. The organization that holds its assets, Software in the Public Interest, is also volunteer-controlled.
  • Debian has a strong social contract which emphasizes things like remaining 100% Free Software. The Debian Free Software Guidlines set stringent limits on what may be part of the distribution.
  • An explicit goal of Debian is to be a base from which other distributions can build. There are many, many of those. You have probably heard of some such as Ubuntu.

I’ve been getting annoyed with Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) for years now. It’s a fork of Debian, but manages to omit some of the most useful things. So I’ve decided to migrate all of my Pis to run pure Debian. These are my reasons:

I write this in the context of my decision to ditch Raspberry Pi OS and move everything I possibly can, including my Raspberry Pi devices, to Debian. I will write about that later.

The Grumpy Cricket (And Other Enormous Creatures) is a lighthearted interactive fiction game by John Goerzen.

gensio and the related ser2net are generic tools for communication.

This page will describe how to run an Internet Kermit server, like the Kermit Server that was featured in my article Try the Last Internet Kermit Server.

I sometimes see people read about NNCP and wonder “This sounds great! But… what can I do with it?” This page aims to answer those questions.

The care and feeding of an NNCP installation.

Termux is a package that brings several things to Android:

This page is intended to describe how to run Debian’s backports on a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian).

When things are difficult – maybe there’s been a disaster, or an invasion (this page is being written in 2022 just after Russia invaded Ukraine), or maybe you’re just backpacking off the grid – there are tools that can help you keep in touch, or move your data around. This page aims to survey some of them, roughly in order from easiest to more complex.

This is about running ZFS on Linux and Debian.


One of several single-board computers. The Raspberry Pi is an ARM computer that typically sells for less than $50. Generally is runs a derivative of Debian.

Old technology is any tech that’s, well… old.

The world’s most popular Free Software operating system, the foundation of Debian, and foundation of much of today’s Internet.

“Free (as in freedom) Software” is all about giving you back control of your digital life.

Software in the Public Interest, Inc., is the primary legal parent organization of Debian. It is a nonprofit.

Here is information on papers, documentation, and publications written by John Goerzen.

This page gives you references to software by John Goerzen.

I am a programmer, manager, hobbyist, advocate, volunteer, dad, and nature lover. I live out on an old farmstead in rural Kansas that once belonged to my grandparents. The nearest paved road is about 3 miles away, and the nearest town (population 600) is 7 miles away. I have three incredible children, which I might occasionally mention on my blog.

This site is built for modern clients using Small Technology. It is served from static files, which are themselves small. It should make no references to any resources from other servers, which helps protect the Privacy of visitors.